東大文科一類合格までの道のり Y・F



How I became an expert at Juken-Eigo
It wasn't until I was in junior high school that I began studying English. While I was slow in acquiring anything other than a rudimentary conversational skill such as hallos and good-byes, students around me quickly got ahead.
My feeling then was that I would never be able to master English, or Juken-Eigo (English language learning system designed for entrance exams).
I expected much from my school to teach me the basic grammar, which only ended in disappointment. So, I tried cram schools. Another disappointment since classes were for students who had altready mastered what I hadn't.
In the end I decided that placing myself under typical mass group learning system would not work. What I needed instead was a strategy of my own and a teacher who could teach me face-to-face.
This was why I ended up in Paideia.
Plunging into 11th grade, I grew more conscious of the university entrance examination looming ahead. My prospect of being a winner was grim; I was not even reaching the average in the school tests. So, what was to be done? My answer was to stick to the basics and learn them thoroughly.
I knew that at this stage I had to be familiarizing myself already with the testing style that universities adopted for their entrance examinations. But what is its use when you cannot even understand the basics?
At Paideia, I concentrated on deepening my grammatical knowledge and improving my translation skill. To further my proficiency, I tackled grammar books and mastered "Teppeki"(Iron Wall), a must-have vocabularly builder for Tohdai (the University of Tokyo) applicants.
My strategy worked. When I reached the level where I could score 90 percent in the Senta-Shiken (the Trans-University Admission Test), I finally set out for the second stage of the entrance examination preparations.
Tohdai's English examination is notorious for intimidating applicants with its wide variety of questions, demanding not only summarizing, translating and writing skills but also knowledge of science, literature, politics, economics, etc.
The knowledge required is so diverse that students are most likely to develop " a weak spot", where their attention is disarrayed. It is my understanding that this had led many cram school instructors to give lessons focusing on a specific field of knowledge.
In my opinion, though, nothing is more important than improving vocabularly, grammar and reading skills and developing one's rational thinking. And that can be achieved only through thoroughgoing practice of the basics. Finally, I dare to add that your score will stabilize at 80 percent if you master the basics.




by curriculum coordinator Alain


High Road to Fluency
This is a story about dedication and hard work. You may think that the student in this story is somehow gifted-and maybe he is-but I think anyone with proper focus can achieve similar results with enough effort.

I started teaching this boy when he was in his junior year at middle school. He had practically no English skill, save what he had learned in his school textbooks. So we took it really slow at first with lots of simple practice. He also worked really hard with our Japanese staff, as well as on his own, and within a year reached a level of acceptable English conversational proficiency. Now three years later, I can have conversations about politics and world issues with him. He is currently studying for Eiken pre-1st grade.
I know it may sound as though this boy was privileged because he received a lot of attention from the teachers from day one, but the reason he was able to take all those lessons in the first place was that he had already shown how committed he was to improving his English skill. His level skyrocketed because HE methodically took in what he learned and applied it; because HE saw a way to succeed and followed it. You can do it too!


高1女子 TOEIC660点!体験記









There are several important points that I have learned by challenging TOEIC.
One thing is making yourself believe that you are a businessman or businesswoman. During the test, it is important to ignore the thoughts that you might be able to get away without knowing these words in daily life.
If you come across new words, try to understand them by the “atmosphere” of the context. As for the listening part, trust your ears.
Even if you do not catch questions, do not get stuck by them and put yourself down.
You have to be defiant. You have to presume that the people next to you are all your rivals. You have to go to the bathroom before the test. You have to have enough time to color the answers at least twice.

Furthermore, set up your goals high. Try to make yourself believe that you are going to be successful globally. Just believe that TOEIC is the path to better opportunities.
I am still far from conquering TOEIC, but I will continue challenging the test by dreaming of the overseas locations, where I might be assigned in my future career

アラン・ミの英文より 和訳 









想像する事が 今では私の楽しみとなっているのです。

The Case for Knowledge and Curiosity at Azabu Senior High School
When viewed from the outside in real time, the road to success may often seem dull and uneventful. It’s really just a slow progression toward greatness. Sometimes the gifted and the talented may have a head start, but true excellence is mostly the product of hard work and dedication. In this post, we look at the role that a general curiosity and thirst for knowledge can play in the development of language skills.


Kay first came to our school when he was a fourth grade elementary school student. Nothing singular made him stand out from his peers; he was quiet but attentive, participated in classroom activities, caused no trouble. A couple of years passed, and he wasn’t in many of my classes for some time. When I started teaching him regularly again, I found that his overall English proficiency had advanced to a much higher level than I would have expected it to during that timeframe. Though far from perfect, he managed to leverage the linguistic skills he already had to convey the complex ideas that he wanted to express.


I quickly found out that Kay reads a lot, and not just in English. He is a voracious reader of fiction and non-fiction alike. One could say his passion is for history, and he delights in discussing historical events and personages, in English as in Japanese. Now in Azabu senior high school, he is studying for Eiken pre-1st grade, mostly by himself, but also increasingly in our lessons. Conceptually, he generally has very little difficulty comprehending and summarizing the essays, and can quickly understand the teacher’s all-English oral definitions of advanced vocabulary.


There are many ways to learn a skill, and some methods will work for some students while not for others. We always try to instill early on in our students, the habit of reading and listening to English text at home, because that is what we found works best for most. But the truly successful are those who find a way to crossover their passions and hobbies with their English education. That makes English meaningful to them.


In what area of expertise will he harness his linguistic skill in the future?
Imagining him becoming an independent, responsible adult brings me joy.




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